

Hi guys, today I'll be talking about hair extensions. My own natural hair is about shoulder length since I chopped it all off in around June just to allow it to regrow in a healthy way.
I have tried hair extensions while my hair was growing back.
They're a great alternative of a wig since we can camouflage them very well and sometimes they weight less therefore they don't feel as heavy and uncomfortable on our head.

Personally I have used lovely curly hair extensions for my prom hairstyle. It was a half up half down style which showed off the long locks of hair. They looked so natural people didn't even realise that I cut my hair. They were easy to put on or take off and easy to maintain. 

Some hair extensions don't allow washing however most do, you should carefully read their descriptions. Once you do decide to wash your hair extensions I recommend using a good shampoo and a conditioner combo.
Use lukewarm water to first wet the extensions. Apply a equal amount of shampoo and massage it in thoroughly. Wash it off and apply a good amount of a conditioner ( it'll make it so much easier to brush out the hair ) and leave it to 'soak'in for about 5-10 minutes.
After everything's washed off you can leave our extensions to dry for about 24 hours. I recommend leaving them to dry over night :)

When you start your journey with hair extensions it might seem difficult at first to find the right area to place them or simply just how to do so. I recommend seeking advice from your local hairdresser if you knowledge is really poor or simply watching tutorials on you tube. It will help a lot and eventually you will get a hang of it all ! Just keep in mind that everything in life takes practice and you won't know everything unless you've tried it before. So if you've just begun or are about to begin your journey I must say it's better to start off with lighter extensions- ones that are not as heavy so your head can get used to carrying an extra amount of weight because we can't lie that no matter what the extensions will weight down our head even the tiniest amount. It's not something to worry about, it won't cause any damage if the whole process is done properly :)


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